Work from Home

Accountancy used to be staid, grey and boring. But that has changed. They now work remotely, on the books of businesses hosted somewhere, drafted by bookkeepers working at home from anywhere. Information fed into them from offices all over the world.

A working environment that is continually evolving.

Similarly, in theory, anyone can set up their own web hosting service.  Even without knowing the first thing about the industry. Without knowing what they are doing or why. A virtual overnight start up. No staff needed, minimal overheads, no stress. An opportunity that is run from home in whatever spare time is available. Simply by outsourcing and contracting in, the complicated bits.

Which is what we do. We can show you how.

We mentor our clients. Show you how to build a hosting business and more importantly why you want to participate. To help us build a virtual, word of mouth marketing platform.

A simple people based resource in a digital world that facilitates the exchange of skills and know how. A platform that will drive the traffic needed to get the sites we build, to work.

None of this is complicated. All it requires is common sense, a bit of imagination. The will to explore .

Enquiries and Information


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